

As Jesus' love transforms us, we are compelled to share His healing love with our neighbours. Alliance ministries show best how we share the practical message of Christ’s love with the marginalised, the poor, the wounded, and the sick at home and around the world

Video and Podcast Archive


Engage - The Heart of the Alliance

Session 7 on 15 September 2020: Click to watch.

Engage #1.1 Introduction and Moving On Reaching Out.

4 August 2020 | AB Simpson leaves his pastorate to reach the world.

Engage #1.2 A New Movement.

11 August 2020

AB Simpson launches a new movement - The Christian and Missionary Alliance.

Engage #1.3 Fundamental Focus 1: Missions.

18 August 2020

Every reached person being involved in reaching others.

Engage #1.4 Fundamental Focus 2: Unity.

25 August 2020

The task is so huge that the church must unite and reach out.

Engage #1.5 Fundamental Focus 3: Innovation.

1 September 2020

Engaging with people in ways that allow them to see Jesus.

Engage #1.6 Fundamental Focus 4: Discipleship.

8 September 2020

Discipleship starts in the community. Growth can occur in local church gatherings.

Engage #1.7 Fundamental Focus 5: Obedience.

15 September 2020

Knowledge is good but obedience to what we know is better.


Sharing Your Story

ARCHIVE: Sharing Your Story


The Faith Promise and Giving

Your Faith Promise for the Great Commission Fund Supports:

- our international work overseas

- our local mission partners

- our mission partnerships

- new church plants

- training of new workers through AIM

- directors and administrative support team at the National Office.




C&MA Official Workers may update their Continuous Professional Development here:


Our Australian Churches

Alliance churches are found in all states and territories except the North Territory and Tasmania. You can connect to one of our churches here.

The Alliance Institute for Mission

The Alliance Institute is the official training arm of for the C&MA Australia and is established in partnership with the Australian College of Ministries (ACOM). The Alliance Institute for Mission, led by Dr Peter Laughlin, is a core element of the Alliance training and development strategy in Australia and facilitates ministry training for both local and overseas 

Alliance Youth

Alliance Youth (AY) encourages young adults and youth to know and follow Jesus Christ. Regular AY events and training are organised each year which meet the needs of young people. Contact Alliance Youth.

Our International Work

The Australian Alliance ministers in 5 primary areas. The 5 "P's" of Alliance Mission cover our work in Placements, Partnerships, Professionals, Projects and Prayer.

Our team is found in Sth East Asia, Nth Africa, Israel, Sth America, Japan, Fiji and Australia. 

Regular Short Term Mission Trips are organised by our local churches and the AY team. 

Mission Conventions are important part of the life of each Alliance Church. For 130 years, Alliance people have been privileged to make His love and mercy known to millions of people through our Faith Promise to the Great Commission Fund.